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Developed by
Responsible Commitment

At H10 Tindaya we care so that you have an impactful experience, without leaving an impact. In a commitment to the place we are living at and the environment that surrounds us, we promote good practices through the Responsible Traveler Manifesto, which we summarize in the following points:

  • Be aware of the risks involved in traveling and take the necessary precautions for you and yours.
  • Encourage the local development of the destination by consuming local products and services.
  • Share and learn about your host community, respecting its values ​​and traditions.
  • Contributes to the conservation, protection and regeneration of the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems of the destination.
  • Respect diversity and do not encourage or participate in discriminatory activities.
  • Consume responsibly and participate in the sustainable management of resources.
  • Support the sustainability of the destination''s heritage and infrastructures.
  • Choose products, services or experiences that enhance the sustainability of the destination through Research + Development + Innovation.
  • Promote fair and dignified working conditions that respect the rights of workers.
  • Join the Responsible Traveler Manifesto and share it!